
Divine Might: Cleric Cyclopedias for DnD 5E and Pathfinder RPG

Created by Legendary Games

Get 80 pages of awesome new cleric domains, spells, items, & more for 5E, and a massive 290-page compendium of every divine class for Pathfinder RPG! Plus awesome add-ons, VTT options, and more!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Download update
about 1 month ago – Thu, Sep 19, 2024 at 12:02:50 PM

Hi all,

Quick notes: 

  • I've uploaded the revised version of Clerics & Cultists to Drivethru, so you can download the corrected version there. 
  • We'll get the update on Defenders of the Faith when our layout guy gets home from day job.
  • One quirk in the downloads is with Horrific Curses, because we set it up as a "product with options," meaning you select whether you are getting the 5E or PF version in Backerkit. Since we haven't sent out the survey yet, that means your download isn't keyed to your preferred system. Sorry about that technical glitch but you'll be able to download it once the survey is live.

Thanks again for making this project a success and we'll get that survey out to you early next week! 

Downloads SENT via DrivethruRPG
about 1 month ago – Wed, Sep 18, 2024 at 05:45:54 PM

Thanks to all of you for making this project possible. We are delighted to report that we've sent out all of our PDF rewards via DrivethuRPG! To access them, go to your DrivethruRPG account and make sure you are logged in - note that their system logs you out after a certain time period, so check to make sure you're actually in the system - and they should be there in your downloads.

We're making great progress on our Backerkit survey and once that's set up, you'll be able to download your files directly from there. For backers who ordered VTT add-ons, those also will be sent out through Backerkit once they're finalized, and of course print orders will wait on getting final addresses and shipping information and payment. 

We thank you for making our sixth QuickStarter project of the year a success and we hope you love the PDFs when they arrive. A couple of quick notes:

  • If you happen to notice an error that slipped past us, by all means let us know in message reply here or by email at [email protected]
  • I noticed two issues as I was uploading files that we'll be fixing: The page numbers are missing in the full-detail Table of Contents in Defenders of the Faith and in the "What You'll Find Inside" summary in Clerics & Cultists, in several places it says "Priests & Prayers," which was the original title of the book. I've let our layout guy know and we'll get those fixed shortly. He's in the UK so we'll get those fixes back around his work schedule and upload the new files ASAP. 

Thanks once again and we thank each and every follower and backer on this project and everything that Legendary Games has done. We hope you're looking forward to Horror Campaigns coming your way next month!

Welcome to the final day of DIVINE MIGHT
about 1 month ago – Wed, Sep 18, 2024 at 12:09:50 PM

Thanks so much to all of our awesome backers, with a special shout out to Peter G as backer #400! We are excited to see the final hours of the campaign come to a close so we can start getting your PDFs out to you ASAP!

The massive Defenders of the Faith book landed at 290 pages and is looking beautiful for all of our PF1 players out there, and Clerics and Cultists is also looking divine at an elegant 80 pages for 5E, both terrific new additions to our class book series. We are looking towards classes of the wild in our next installment, with awesome new expansions for 5E and PF1 plus a Pathfinder Second Edition option next time! This project will probably launch in early 2025.

We're already working on our Backerkit survey for DIVINE MIGHT and we hope to get it submitted for approval by the beginning of next week, so you'll be able to download your files from your Backerkit account and also add any new items you wish to your pledge, finalize shipping, and update your address and any other information so we can get your books to you!

Last but not least, while we have a new class QUICKstarter coming, our next crowdfunding will be more of a classic Kickstarter, with stretch goals and more, for our Horror Campaigns, the latest in our spectacular series of campaign guides like Faerie Campaigns and the Pirate Campaign Compendium. It's exactly what it says on the tin, with an incredible array of class options, magic items, adventures, special rules, monsters, madness, and more for injecting horror into your campaign using 5E, Pathfinder, or Black Flag! Coming your way in time for Halloween!

In the spirit of horror, we also wanted to give a shout-out to our friends over at Midnight Tower, who have put together their own spooky mystery adventure that just launched on Kickstarter this week: Murder at the Old Wolf Inn! It's an elegant one-shot murder mystery that evokes not only classic Agatha Christie stories but also that whole Victorian vibe. Tove and Erik have put together another really fun project and if you like a touch of the macabre in your campaign, we hope you'll check it out!

Over a week in and going strong!
about 2 months ago – Thu, Sep 05, 2024 at 10:17:13 PM

Thanks to everyone for pledging their faith to DIVINE MIGHT, especially Dave W as backer #200 and now John L as #300! We were so close I wanted to go ahead and wait until we hit the mark and now we have! We are delighted by the strong response and hope all of you love your books and PDFs when they arrive! 

We are already working on our next class compilation QUICKstarter, probably coming your way around January, and it looks like the theme just might be Masters of the Wild! For that project, I do believe we'll even have a Pathfinder 2E option available! 

Meanwhile we carry on with the grace of divinity and we hope you'll continue to share the good news about Divine Might to all your fellow 5E fans and Pathfinder players! 

Thanks for the great start! And what to do if you want both 5E *and* Pathfinder!
2 months ago – Wed, Aug 28, 2024 at 02:21:07 PM

Hi all,

Thanks so much for this delightful beginning to our DIVINE MIGHT campaign! We are excited and delighted to get these books in your hands ASAP, and we thank every backer (with a special tip of the hat to Mark K as backer #100) who is making it possible! 

We did get a great question from one backer who wanted to get books for both 5E and Pathfinder, and the way to do that is simple:

  1. Choose one game system pledge as your base pledge.
  2. When you hit the Pledge button, Kickstarter will take you to a new page of Add-Ons. We've now included PDF and print versions of Clerics & Cultists for 5E and Defenders of the Faith for Pathfinder, so you can add those items to your pledge.
  3. Once you've selected your items for the other game system, click the button to finalize your pledge.
  4. That's it! 

If you have any other questions, by all means let us know ASAP! You can hit is up here on Kickstarter using the messaging system built into it and you also can email us at [email protected]. You also can join our Discord channel and message us there or jump into any of the ongoing conversations! 

Thanks again and we look forward to an amazing time making these books happen!